Heather DiPietro
More Than 7
More Than 7 was an outdoor exhibition for the launch of Aaron Sorkin’s new feature film on Netflix, The Trial of the Chicago 7. I was honored to work with Circus to produce this timely, meaningful activation for the launch of the new Netflix feature film.
Schofield’s Flowers was brought in to direct and produce the campaign, including all experiential and content components.
Production Team:
Exec Producers: Heather DiPietro & Steve Schofield
Director: Andrew Luft
Locations: Kate Levinson
Fabrication: All Kinds
Casting: Kristen Paladino
Post-Producer: Heather DiPietro
SFX/Mix: Eggmen Studios
VO Talent: Leer Leary
Drone: We Fly Aerial
B-Roll: Brian Morgan & Robo Aerial
Let’s work together