If you want to find the most delicious Mexican food, you go to the streets. That’s where the most authentic street vendors are, but some aren’t found on Google Maps. This is why we collaborated with beloved street stands to put them on the maps, and have them make their own take on our taquitos!
Agency: GUT
Sr. Producer: Amber Peña
Producer: Steven Sarria
ECD: Dean Paradise
Creative Director: Andy Tamayo
Art Director: Clara Lvoff
Copywriter: Rachel Fund
Production Co: Schofield's Flowers
Exec Producer: Heather DiPietro
Activation Producer: Xavier Burt
Production Manager: Cinthia Artiaga
DP: Jonathon Chu
Post-House: Schofield's Flowers
Post-Producer: Heather DiPietro
Editor: Jonathon Chu, Tucker Hamilton
GFX: Keeley Davis
Colorist: Mishel Hassidim
Sound Mixer: Eggmen
Photo Editing: Samantha Seddon